Construction Twittersphere

Unsurprisingly enough, Green Deal has been a hot topic for discussion this month in the run up to the launch of the ground breaking initiative to improve the energy performance of the built environment. @DECCgovuk, @EnergySvgTrust and @thecarbontrust all trumpeted the launch of Green Deal on 28th January but in the proceeding weeks, much of the talk has been about the lack of publicity for the scheme and, consequently, the lack of awareness. HS2, the proposed super-fast rail link between London and the North has also caused its fair share of controversy on Twitter this month.  There has been widespread cynicism about the £33 billion cost and 20 year wait for the rail link, along with sceptism about the super-fast broadband that the Government has promised alongside it.  Indeed, @SteveClampITV is not the only one to suggest that we need the high speed broadband more than the rail link with his tweet “If #HS2 will cost £1000 for every UK household, wouldn’t it be better 2 invest in superfast broadband? We need minds, not bodies in London.”

On a lighter note, anticipation has been growing for Ecobuild, with many using Twitter to announce their plans for the show and some, including @BD_Expert and @AlumascRW cleverly using the offer of free tickets as a means of driving traffic to their websites.