To Blog or Not to Blog?
Marketing consultants suffer from the same social challenges as doctors: we often get asked for free and informal advice without the benefit of any of the back story that should inform the answer.
So when I was asked last week ‘What do you think of blogging, is it something we should be doing?’ in theory, I shouldn’t have been able to answer with any clarity.
However, when it comes to blogging, there is only one answer…yes!
And here’s why:
- It’s online content that will help boost your SEO
- You can set the agenda and decide the content (as long as you don’t offend or defame anyone)
- The only cost attached is (potentially) copywriting fees
- It enables you to start a conversation
- It allows you to demonstrate your expertise
- It creates a reason for people to follow you on social media and/or visit your website
Of course, it’s already evident from the fact that I’m writing this blog that it’s something I strongly believe in. And it’s equally apparent from the fact that you’re reading it that blogs can be the perfect way to get an idea across in an informal, digestible and informative way to a potentially global audience.
But what makes a good blog? Well, like so many of the other tactics in the marketing manager’s arsenal, the answer to that question is subjective…but here’s our top tips:
- Decide what your core message is before you start and stick to it – readers will lose interest in a blog if you try to cover too much ground in a single post
- It’s an informal method of communication – in terms of style think of it more as a chat than a presentation
- Remember that the idea is to engage with readers, so think about the value of the information they will take away with them (this is not an excuse for a soap box rant!)
- Don’t get confused between a news story and a blog – blogs are about comment and education, so make it topical but don’t just post your latest press release
- Make it regular – even if you have followers who are interested in what you have to say, they will soon drift away if your blog posts are few and far between
So, to recap, if you’re reading this and wondering whether you should start blogging too the answer is…yes!!!!