Tactical Spotlight On……e-shots
Many of those reading this newsletter will also receive our weekly e-shots: short pieces of direct mail in your inbox that let you know about aspects of our services or current special offers.
If you’ve ever wondered why we go to the trouble of writing these every week and sending them out, we can tell you in three words: because they work!
And why do they work?
- They provide a regular way of keeping in touch
- They remind potential customers about who you are and what you do
- They are short and punchy and arrive directly into the inbox of your target audience
- They contain a ‘call to action’ which can be followed up now or saved for later
- They can be stored or forwarded to colleagues
- They are immediate and can be used to promote short term special offers
- They are cost-effective and easy to issue
Getting started with e-shots is easy and cost effective. You will need a clean database but if you don’t already have this you can buy in a database and professional bodies or trade publications will often sell you opted in contacts. Use an online tool like Mail Chimp (www.mailchimp.com) to create a template and you’re away. Just remember these simple tips for writing a successful e-shot:
- Give it a catchy headline that will make people want to open it and read
- Make it specific or topical with a clear message
- Include a call to action and contact details
- Include a logo so they know instantly who it’s from
- Keep it short and snappy