Our Survey Said…..Thanks!

Survey Image 1We recently invited all our contacts to take part in our first annual Marketing Needs and Trends Survey, a simple online poll designed to help us understand how we can best help you with free CME reports and research, it will also give us a true picture of marketing trends at the rock face of the commercial world. The results were compelling. While 27% of respondents stated that they work to a clear marketing strategy and plan, almost 40% admitted that their marketing was tactical or ad hoc when opportunities arise.  The good news is, however, that marketing is a core business function for more than half of respondents.  Interestingly, when, asked about why you invest in marketing, the number of respondents that identified ‘driving sales’ and ‘building brand’ were equal, proving that there is more to successful marketing than sales success.

In terms of the future of marketing, there was a very clear indication that many of you prefer online channels: website, email marketing and social media were all top answers, with networking and PR also proving popular.

It definitely provided food for thought amongst the CME team, so we’d just like to say a big thank you to all of those who took part! Your responses were invaluable and we’re already working on the first CME Report as a result. To download your FREE copy of CME’s Social Media Report, simply visit our website: www.constructionmarketingexperts.co.uk